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Dada.Data.Alpha.Beta (Jan Leth's presentation)

On February 4, 2008 MCAD and MIMA debuted "Conversations About the Future of Advertising" with Jan Leth, Vice Chairman, Global Digital Creative at Ogilvy & Mather. Over 150 people showed up, and the audience Q&A went 10 minutes over our scheduled time. I think that counts as a success.

UPDATE:  A podcast of the event is available here on the MIMA website. It will also be available through MIMA's podcast channel on  iTunes.

In the meantime, here's Jan's Keynote presentation. (Please be sure to credit Jan Leth if you borrow his material.)




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In essence, Jan posits four key elements effecting the future of advertising.


As in, the art movement. As in the original mash-up. As in the people who created new forms out of the traditional forms. Thinking "Dada" is incredibly important if you want to survive in the digital age.


The big brain. The Internet. More important, the new ability to tell very targeted stories. Data makes it possible for brands to communicate in a manner and on a level never seen before--and customers love it.


The leaders, the innovators, the champions of your brand. In this age, you must get to know them, listen to them, respect them and nurture them.


As in, "always in..." The key here is to avoid linear, sequential (traditional) thinking. Get the idea out there as fast as possible, then iterate.

This is good stuff.

Thanks to everyone who attended! And a special thanks to Jan Leth for making the trip to see and inspire us.