Balance is the hardest idea of all


Doing versus not doing.

Doing the right thing versus doing something distracting.

Getting the work done versus obsessing about getting it done.

I find the balance of being an ideas person -- one who creates and ships consistently -- is the hardest idea of all.

I am my own worst enemy when it comes to distraction.

I am my own worst enemy when it comes to shipping too early "to get it out there" versus polishing the crap (and the allure) out of an idea and shipping equally worthless junk.

Part of the lure of ideas is that there is always a better one out there; or a better version of whatever it is I'm working on. And this may be true. The world of ideas is an unending world. There will always be another idea. A better idea. But that reality is more likely to keep me out of balance, shipping crap, than not.

I think part of an idea person being in balance is the commitment to ship on time.

And that's the place in the middle that's so elusive to me.

Thank goodness there's another year ahead to keep trying.
