How Now Me We - Part 4: The Me personality

Most decisions we make are trivial, procedural, generally unnoticed. There’s clearly little need to prepare for a client’s lunch decision at a restaurant. Oh, the salad! But when a substantial budget is on the line, when the board is watching, what personality overwhelms your client? That temperament is worth your attention.

Where a How personality desires lots of evidence and a Now personality seeks to confirm, the Me personality focuses on personal validation. If you’re selling to a Me, consider how your information and communication justifies that individual. In short, think about ego. How will your idea strengthen or weaken their personal identity?

It’s stereotypical to see “creatives” or celebrities as Me personalities. But the Me disposition can crop up without bravado, hidden behind questions about metrics or production scheduling. They need ownership (not just understanding) of an idea to support it.

The Me client drops names. Their office trappings affirm status, connections, rewards, regardless of their pay grade. They network more than the other four types. Someone with a Me persona is much more curious about you on a personal level, where a Now likely won’t bother and a How is often more curious about what you do and the way you do it. Presenting to a Me can seem tricky, because the Me personality wants to sell to you, too.

Being hands-on suits a Me. The How would prefer a recap, the Now a functioning prototype. You’ll succeed with a Me by bringing them into the process, involving them in creating the idea. Make them a partner as you vet and refine options.
