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How Now Me We - Part 7: The data divide

The final tool for distinguishing How, Now, Me and We personality types is their approach to data.

In short, at the moment of decision, those two on the left side appreciate data more than those on the right. A How prefers reviewing evidence (often lots of evidence) to make her decision. By nature of seeking consensus, a We persona values debate and review of data to reach commitment on ideas. If you’re presenting prototypes, storyboards, insights, drafts, designs to How or We personalities, be prepared to reiterate the details, the ingredients, the numbers, the calendar required to make a decision.

But with Now or Me types, you’re more likely to focus on confidence, if not bravado, to close. A Now persona has likely already made her decision. The decision meeting serves only to confirm, less by shear weight of evidence and more by shear presence of conviction.

Because their decisions are proxies for personal identity, a Me type seeks courage and the means to make the idea their idea. They approve ideas through themselves. With Now and Me, the deciding moment is less tech rehearsal and more opening night.

None of these personality types is better or more appropriate than the others when it comes to approving ideas. Each is merely a path, a variation. The trick is recognizing different personalities buy ideas for different reasons, some of which revolve around the data behind ideas.