RE: 2007
I turned 40 this year.
I got let go from a job in advertising for the third time. (Thanks, Bill Miller, for telling me years ago, that this was completely normal.) And I helped start my own company for the first time. Talk about a refreshing change of pace!
Our second son arrived in February. Ellington is absolutely amazing. Tremendously loud. Always moving. Since starting my own gig, I've really enjoyed having the ability to set my own schedules and see more of our kids. (Working for oneself = a wonderful gift.)
I started this blog on March 28, 2007. 90 posts later (including this one), the blog's amassed 4,068 page views (avg. 15.24 page views per day) and 62 comments. Who'd a thunk it?
And thanks to Netvibes, it's been really easy to follow more than 40 blogs this year. Shout-outs to Jaffe Juice, CK's Blog, Logic+Emotion, Conversation Agent, TechnoMarketer, TwoFortyEight, Mark Silva, BNOX, and Herb Sawyer for making it worthwhile. I'm looking forward to seeing many of these people in person at Blogger Social in April 2008.
I can't remember when I started Twittering this year. But 1,788 posts later, I feel like I've always been using Twitter. So oddly useful and addictive.
Same goes for Facebook. I got into it in 2006 (yeah, a newbie), but didn't get rolling until this year. I suspect I spend 90 minutes a day there, on average now. It fills roles for both work and procrastination (or "workstination?"). Anyone else find it even partially irreplaceable?
2007 has been really chaotic; full of adventure, new contacts, friends and inspiration. I wouldn't have it any other way.
And you?