The TV Set

Last night was one of those, "Well, yeah...let's uhhh...let's uhhh, let's watch a movie, yeah" nights. So we turn on the On Demand. And it's down to a Dustin Hoffman thriller about perfume and murder, the Fantastic Four sequel or The TV Set. I think we made the right choice.

What made me laugh is that this entire film could just as easily be about advertising and marketing. David Duchovney could be a creative director. His character's manager could be a group account director. Sigourney Weaver and Ioan Gruffudd could be running a marketing department. There's a moment where Sigourney's character, the head of a TV network, "has an idea" during the middle of a shoot (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) that totally up-ends the entire premise for the whole show. Can't tell you how many times that exact sequence has happened out shooting commercials.

It's definitely worth the rental.
