Why, indeed?

Philippe at Bad Idea, Indeed has assembled a really nice collection of interviews with various bloggers:  Mack Collier, Valeria Maltoni and CK.

I'm intrigued by their motivations to blog (Philippe, when are you going to answer the questions you posed to the others?). Why blog, why bother? Perhaps because this medium, this technology efficiently allows, even encourages, conversation on a global scale -- like never before.

"I believe that blogs are an amazing communication tool that can bring companies and their customers closer together." - Mack Collier

"...there is a certain quality you get from reading someone’s writing andthought process in this format that you don’t usually get in othermedia." - Valeria Maltoni

"...I’m blogging in order to share with my audience..." - CK

My new boss and I were talking about blogging yesterday, and he wondered where a person finds the time. Well, like any kind of writing, you find the time. You schedule it. But that's not the issue. The issue is what you get from blogging, and what participants get from your blog.

The automation of printing changed the world. I wonder if blogging -- in other words, this new kind of conversation we're participating in -- will have a similar impact. Will my 21 month old son look back in surprise at a time when the world didn't blog?
