Your Digital Identity Map

Valeria Maltoni gave a great presentation on Monday in our Conversations About the Future of Advertising speaker series. I'll post her keynote here tomorrow. But in the meantime, there's one element from her speech that really got me thinking.

Your Digital Identity Map(With all due credit to Fred Cavazza for the idea)

Here's Fred's original map, from Valeria's presentation. I love the segmentation, especially the idea of acknowledging Reputation (what's being said about you), Expression and Publication. We all have a map out there, whether we like it or know it.


How would you fill this out? Here's a blank canvas (with minor grammatic corrections, no offense to Fred. My French is lousy.)

And the lesson isn't just in filling this out. Use it to broaden your knowledge. In what areas are you less experienced? I told my MCAD class I thought a Digital Identity Map might make a useful adjunct to one's resume; at the very least, a useful job interview conversation.
