Conversations with Joseph Jaffe


This coming Monday, April 14, Joseph Jaffe will be in Minneapolis for a series of events, including the fourth installment of "Conversations About the Future of Advertising." Here are the details on that:


Monday, April 14

Fine Line Music Cafe

318 First Ave North


The event is free. No registration required. And the first 250 people in the door get a free copy of Joseph's latest book, Join the Conversation.

Don't miss it.

I'm also psyched that Joseph will be making a presentation at MCAD for the students in the advertising program earlier in the day.

This series has been very rewarding. Not just for the students, but for the community as well. Thanks to the generosity of MCAD and MIMA, we've been able to able to elevate and sustain a productive conversation about the future of marketing and advertising with brilliant minds from outside and inside the Twin Cities.

I feel fortunate that the leadership at MIMA and my partners at MCAD thought this was a good idea in the first place, and have been more than helpful in keeping the effort going. It is, to be completely honest, a lot of work to maintain this speaker series.

But it's been entirely worth it.
