What Would A Guy Without Pants Twitter?
Kevin Dugan's What Would Jesus Twitter got the ball rolling. I picked up where Drew left off with, What Would Mickey Mouse Twitter? (Scott Monty contributed Sherlock Holmes, Bryan Person offered Australian business communicator Lee Hopkins and Joe C added Abe Lincoln.)
(Photo credit: Marshall Gorman Jr)
10. Morning Tweets - I'm not wearing pants! Again!
9. The whole "boxers v briefs" thing - isn't it obvious?
8. Damn. Missed the Improv Everywhere meetup.
7. Carbonara is just elbow pasta, eggs, cream and pancetta? I've seen it with peas sometimes. Can you use pine nuts?
6. Considering a wax.
5. It's not just me. Everyone's doing it. http://rurl.org/mmv
4. Blogger Social, Saturday night, about 2:00am - I'll be there. Without pants, 'natch.
3. Either it's really windy or Senator Craig is nearby.
2. @fakeguywithoutpants - How original.
1. Shoes. Shirt. What do you mean, "No Service?"